Yes, we do offer white-labeled solutions. Our fully documented API allows development agencies and resellers to quickly and easily get up and running with our 100% white-label ordering solution. This means you can brand our platform as your own, offering a seamless experience for your customers without having to invest time and resources in building your own ordering system from scratch.Our white-labeled solution is ideal for businesses of all types and sizes looking to enhance their online presence and streamline their ordering and management processes. With Ordering.co's white-label solution, you can focus on what matters most: providing an exceptional experience for your customers while we take care of the technology behind the scenes.
Of course, we always thrive your business to succeed, and branding is one of the most important, so get your domain in your ordering website at no cost. We also provide everyone a forever free tryordering.com domain name when they sign up.
Memory orderings specify the way atomic operations synchronize memory.In its weakest Ordering::Relaxed, only the memory directly touched by theoperation is synchronized. On the other hand, a store-load pair of Ordering::SeqCstoperations synchronize other memory while additionally preserving a total order of suchoperations across all threads.
When coupled with a store, all previous operations become orderedbefore any load of this value with Acquire (or stronger) ordering.In particular, all previous writes become visible to all threadsthat perform an Acquire (or stronger) load of this value.
When coupled with a load, if the loaded value was written by a store operation withRelease (or stronger) ordering, then all subsequent operationsbecome ordered after that store. In particular, all subsequent loads will see datawritten before the store.
Notice that in the case of compare_and_swap, it is possible that the operation ends upnot performing any store and hence it has just Acquire ordering. However,AcqRel will never perform Relaxed accesses.
If you're ordering Tax Year 2022 products, you should receive your order within 15 business days. If you're ordering Tax Year 2023 products, if a product is not available when you place your order, we may hold the entire order until all products become available or send the products as they become available.
Enable or disable ordering of columns - it is as simple as that! DataTables, by default, allows end users to click on the header cell for each column, ordering the table by the data in that column. The ability to order data can be disabled using this option.
In this module, you'll begin building the Microsoft Power Platform solution, starting with a Power Apps canvas app. This canvas app will be a machine ordering app that allows different Contoso locations to order coffee machines. Later, in other exercises, you'll build the data model, build a model-driven app, and add automation with a Power Automate cloud flow for approvals.
Microsoft Dataverse adds data storage and modeling capabilities to Power Apps that are scalable and straightforward to provision. In this module, you'll use Microsoft Dataverse to model and store the data from the machine ordering canvas app that you built in a previous module. In the next module, you'll build a model-driven application by using the same data that will be used by the back-office staff to process machine orders. These apps that you build on Dataverse use the same technology framework (Dataverse) that Microsoft Dynamics 365 apps are built on.
If the List consists of String elements, it will be sorted into alphabetical order. If it consists of Date elements, it will be sorted into chronological order. How does this happen? String and Date both implement the Comparable interface. Comparable implementations provide a natural ordering for a class, which allows objects of that class to be sorted automatically. The following table summarizes some of the more important Java platform classes that implement Comparable.
Since this section is about element ordering, let's talk a bit more about Name's compareTo method. It implements the standard name-ordering algorithm, where last names take precedence over first names. This is exactly what you want in a natural ordering. It would be very confusing indeed if the natural ordering were unnatural!
Take a look at how compareTo is implemented, because it's quite typical. First, you compare the most significant part of the object (in this case, the last name). Often, you can just use the natural ordering of the part's type. In this case, the part is a String and the natural (lexicographic) ordering is exactly what's called for. If the comparison results in anything other than zero, which represents equality, you're done: You just return the result. If the most significant parts are equal, you go on to compare the next most-significant parts. In this case, there are only two parts — first name and last name. If there were more parts, you'd proceed in the obvious fashion, comparing parts until you found two that weren't equal or you were comparing the least-significant parts, at which point you'd return the result of the comparison.
There are four restrictions on the behavior of the compareTo method, which we won't go into now because they're fairly technical and boring and are better left in the API documentation. It's really important that all classes that implement Comparable obey these restrictions, so read the documentation for Comparable if you're writing a class that implements it. Attempting to sort a list of objects that violate the restrictions has undefined behavior. Technically speaking, these restrictions ensure that the natural ordering is a total order on the objects of a class that implements it; this is necessary to ensure that sorting is well defined.
What if you want to sort some objects in an order other than their natural ordering? Or what if you want to sort some objects that don't implement Comparable? To do either of these things, you'll need to provide a Comparator — an object that encapsulates an ordering. Like the Comparable interface, the Comparator interface consists of a single method.
Let's assume that the natural ordering of Employee instances is Name ordering (as defined in the previous example) on employee name. Unfortunately, the boss has asked for a list of employees in order of seniority. This means we have to do some work, but not much. The following program will produce the required list.
The Comparator in the program is reasonably straightforward. It relies on the natural ordering of Date applied to the values returned by the hireDate accessor method. Note that the Comparator passes the hire date of its second argument to its first rather than vice versa. The reason is that the employee who was hired most recently is the least senior; sorting in the order of hire date would put the list in reverse seniority order. Another technique people sometimes use to achieve this effect is to maintain the argument order but to negate the result of the comparison.
The Comparator in the preceding program works fine for sorting a List, but it does have one deficiency: It cannot be used to order a sorted collection, such as TreeSet, because it generates an ordering that is not compatible with equals. This means that this Comparator equates objects that the equals method does not. In particular, any two employees who were hired on the same date will compare as equal. When you're sorting a List, this doesn't matter; but when you're using the Comparator to order a sorted collection, it's fatal. If you use this Comparator to insert multiple employees hired on the same date into a TreeSet, only the first one will be added to the set; the second will be seen as a duplicate element and will be ignored.
To fix this problem, simply tweak the Comparator so that it produces an ordering that is compatible with equals. In other words, tweak it so that the only elements seen as equal when using compare are those that are also seen as equal when compared using equals. The way to do this is to perform a two-part comparison (as for Name), where the first part is the one we're interested in — in this case, the hire date — and the second part is an attribute that uniquely identifies the object. Here the employee number is the obvious attribute. This is the Comparator that results.
Pub/Sub delivers each messageat least once, so thePub/Sub service might redeliver messages. When you receivemessages in order and the Pub/Sub service redelivers a messagewith an ordering key, Pub/Sub maintains order by alsoredelivering the subsequent messages with the same ordering key. ThePub/Sub service redelivers these messages in the order that itoriginally received them.
When the Pub/Sub service redelivers a message with an orderingkey, the Pub/Sub service also redelivers every subsequent messagewith the same ordering key, including acknowledged messages. If both messageordering and a dead-letter topic are enabledon a subscription, this may not be true, as Pub/Subforwards messages to dead-letter topics on a best-effort basis. When redeliveredmessages are received, you must acknowledge these messages again. There is no guaranteethat subsequent messages will be sent without the previous ones beingacknowledged.
The inability to acknowledge a message might hold up the deliveryof messages for other ordering keys. This issue is possible when servers restartunexpectedly or there are changes in the set of servers used due to trafficchanges. To preserve order across such events, all messages published to the oldserver must be acknowledged before messages from the new server are delivered,even if they are for different ordering keys. If you cannot ensure timelyacknowledgment of all messages, consider attaching adead-letter topic to the subscription. Orderof messages might not be preserved when they are written to the dead-lettertopic. 041b061a72